Date: May 18, 2013

Making Peace With the Price of Healthy, Great Looking Hair

I just spent $250 on products for my own hair. This may give you sticker shock ( I would fully understand if it did). Did I eagerly spend the money….not exactly. Was I smiling when I clicked “process payment now”….no not really. But I do accept that success begets greater expense.

When my hair was much shorter 1 oz or 2 oz of product went a long way. But my hair goal was for longer hair (Goal 1 was chin level, goal 2 was shoulder level, goal 3 was below shoulder level and my current goal is mid way between my shoulder and elbow). As I have achieved my goals I have had to increase the purchase sizes of my orders (i.e  buying 64 oz of product at a time) because it simply takes more Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner or Curlisto Deep Therapy Masque to treat my now longer hair. So when you think about it it’s kind of a luxury dilemma to have (welcome to Zoe Saldana’s world). I estimate that I will spend about $1000 on Curlisto Deep Therapy Masque alone this year (okay less if I catch a few sales like I just did today but there won’t be a sale every time I run out of it). And believe it or not I am making peace with that $1000 expense. Why? Because I saw what life (i.e my hair) was like when I went a few months without budgeting that expense in. My hair didn’t do all the things I like for it to do – hold my curl definition as long, resist breakage, have shine etc. There are other products in that category where when I  omit then from my routine – a hair rebellion takes place which is no fun for me and I doubt my hair is having much fun either…..struggle ensues, grooming time increases.

We all have our thresholds as far as what we are willing to pay to maintain healthy, great looking hair – it is different for everyone. But once you know what your hair really requires to do it’s thing healthily – making peace with that dollar amount for those products is really a pretty good idea.

Ayana Phillips
Lakshmi’s Cupboard